Scrappin' Good Times Blog

Archive for June 2008

Recently I tried to take a photo a day for the entire month. I did succeed in reaching my goal. I was trying to capture what my life is like at this time. It was difficult at times to take a photo of an untidy room or the mess in my scrapbooking room, but I forced myself to not tidy up and just take the shot of where I am at. It was exciting and encouraging because it allowed me to tell my true story rather than a perfect neat little story. I would encourage everyone to give it a shot.

I *love* the first of the month –that’s when the showcase gets changed out and the new kits of the month go on sale. I wonder what tomorrow holds for us? I’ll be in the store to get my first look at all that’s new (and maybe I’ll even get a blog post up about it!)

Open, open, open…

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You know we just had an awesome garage sale at SGT and the first thing I purchased with my store credit was the Curvy Cutter.  This awesome tool has been around awhile, but I just never felt the urge to purchase one.

A few weeks ago I was at my sisters house working on a layout that I wanted to cut a smaller circle inside a bigger circle.  Well, after an hour and after removing all of her bowls from her kitchen cupboards, I came up with two bowls that would work just OK.  My next problem was bowls wern’t see thru so I couldn’t tell where to place the bowl around the first circle I had already made.  Then, I cut my circle crooked.  Uugh!!  From that moment I told myself the next purchase I make is the Curvy Cutter.  All the Girls at SGT absolutely love this cutter and with my many scrap supplies could not believe that I didn’t own one.  Well, I do now!!!  It cuts any size circle you want, even one big enough for your full 12×12 page.  And it’s see through so you can see exactly where you are cutting.  We are actually having a demo on this cutter July 3 at our demo days so be sure to stop by and check it out.


Remember the clearance section in the back corner of Scrappin’ Good Times?  It is now long gone.  Everything was selling for 60% off on Friday and a lot of ladies took advantage of that sale.  Trish and Gilby removed the leftovers of the sale over the weekend.  You ask what is next?  Keep a close watch to see what will be moving into the vacant space in the back.  SGT loves to always change things up and keep you guessing.

SGT opened it’s doors on July 27, 2004 and I can still remember how hard everyone worked to get ready for this date.  Everyone, including family and friends, helped us out.  UPS was extremely busy delivering boxes and boxes of merchandise.  There were boxes everywhere!  We spent weeks and weeks pricing the merchandise and stocking the shelves.  When we were done, we realized the store looked quite bare and we quickly started spacing the merchandise to make it look like we had a lot more that we actually did.  Now, four years later, we can barely find room for all the wonderful merchandise that UPS delivers daily.  We constantly have to squeeze things together to make room for more.

Trish and I were so nervous on opening day.  I was still working so I took the day off so I could be there for this special day.  When our doors opened, most of our customers were complete strangers.  Now all these customers have become our friends and it is always such a pleasure to see them walk in. 

We really, really though that we could run the store without any employees for at least a year.  Geeze,  were we wrong!  It quickly got so busy that we had to start hiring within a few months.  As of today, there are a total of 28 employees and Design Team members.  My, how we’ve grown!  What a wild (but wonderful) ride this has been!  A great big THANK YOU to all our girls!  You are all so talented and amazing and we couldn’t have done it without you!  Another great big THANK YOU to all our customers…you guys are the best!


So I’m thumbing through a scrapbooking magazine and the focus of the issue is “simple gifts for each season.” I decided to check out summer holidays. As we all know the big holiday is 4th of July, but a few ideas later I came across “National Ice Cream Sundae Day.” Who knew? Apparently this holiday is to commemorate the first ice cream sundae ever served on July 8, 1881 in Wisconsin. Forget fireworks we are talking about ice cream people!!! This is one of my new favorite holidays. You can bet I’ll be celebrating this year!

the beautiful bride  

For those of you who don’t know I took these past months off at the store teaching so I can help my brother and future sister inlaw do some last minute things for their wedding. Well after 9 years of dating, 1 full year of planning, I can proudly say I have a new sister named Sara.  My whole entire family was apart of the wedding party… both Kylie and Kayla were the flower girls. Kaden, the 2 year old tazmanian devil was the ring bearer and Tod and I acted as sponsors and honored attendants.  We all had our doubts that Kaden being Kaden wouldn’t be able to fulfill his duties of holding the pillow down the aisle and we were right.  At the last minute Tod took one for the team and waited outside the chapel doors patiently as the ceremony went on without any disruption from the tazmanian devil!  check out my blog for more pics. {{{peej}}}


I spent this weekend scrapbooking with my sisters, Julie and Traci, for my 40th birthday.  There was nothing I wanted more for my birthday other than to spend time with them doing what I love, SCRAPBOOKING!  Many of you have been blessed by them.  Julie, who shares her wonderful talent by giving classes at the store and Traci, whose designs are scattered throughout the store.  But I thank God everyday for my sisters who bless me more than they know.  Not only with their help and patience whilewe are scrapbooking when I ask, “Should I put this here or over here?”, but I am blessed by them because they are not only my sisters, but my best friends!! I love you both and I am blessed because of you! -Cheri

If you’re ever in need of some inspiration for your scrapbook pages, take a look at your kids closet. Or take a stroll through the children’s department of your favorite clothing store.

This shirt of my daughters has inspired me since the first day she got it (over a year ago). I love the detail stitching in the layered flowers and the buttons for centers. I also like the ribbon and ric rac sticking out from below one of the flowers. Finally I am putting the inspiration to good use in my page for the July showcase. Come in to checkout how I put this inspiration to good use.


So today was the first leg of our vacation – Rock Climbing in Big Bear.  This was the first time we have taken our kids and wow, were we impressed and proud parents.  Austin scaled the rock like nothing – he is a natural.  Savannah was at a disadvantage because her broken arm limits her.  But she was all there too, climbing.  I know, I know, some of you think I am CRAZY…but when my kids accomplish something like climbing a cliff, I get tears in my ear from the joy.  Plus they really love it and being outdoors.  The only draw back to rock climbing is that we have to 4wd in and out…very, very bumpy to say the least.  Now off to the Cambria for some real R and R.  I’m talking Pedi’s, Mani’s and the spa treatment.  I seriously need a massage after 4 wheel driving today.

He\'s a naturalSavannah Climbing too

Scrappin’ Good Times

564 W Arrow Hwy. San Dimas, CA

About Us

If you are looking for a great scrapbook store in Southern California, you can stop looking. Scrappin' Good Times in San Dimas, is the place to get all your scrapbooking products! Our Employees and Design Team members contribute to this blog. Feel free to make comments on any of the postings. Thank you, The Scrappin' Good Times Team ________________________________ Hey, we've been nominated again this year! Thanks to all of your votes we're number 1! Best Scrapbooking in the Los Angeles area WE'VE WON!!! Thanks to everyone who Voted! You've made a difference!
June 2008

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