Scrappin' Good Times Blog

Archive for August 2008

Inside - with CUTE Lady Bug Ribbon

Inside Diaper- with CUTE Lady Bug Ribbon

Outside of LB Diaper Invite
Outside of Lady Bug Diaper Invite

For over a week now, I have been flip-flopping between pink or red for these darn lady bug themed baby shower invites I’m working on. Still undecided, I finally came into the store today for supplies and inspiration. I missed Scrap Therapy on Thursday, but Dr. Heidi Ho was in. And she really helped cure my lady bug “blues”!!! She directed me to the cutest lady bug ribbon and red Bazzill card stock. After that I was on a creative roll. I just have to work out the wording and I’ll be ready to knock out 50 of them. THANK YOU, THANK YOU Heidi!!!

Angie :o)

My nephew’s fifth birthday was today and the theme of his party was surfing. I decided to create a surf themed two page lay out for my sister-in-law, using the invite as my inspiration. I used Scenic Route’s Grafton line which is bright and fun. Since I only have one child and she is  a girl, I always love to challenge myself in creating a boy page. I even managed to use flowers and ribbon so I didn’t stray too far from what I’m used to. I took a chipboard ring and stapled ribbon to it, it looked like rays of sunshine. It was super cute and my sister-in-law loved it. She loved it so much she wants me to do all five of her boys’ first birthdays!!!!!!!!!


Friday night was totally awesome!!  I went to best concert that I ever attended.  My husband, Ronnie, and I picked up my son, Tyler and his girlfriend, Tanya from school and headed to Verizon Ampitheatre in Irvine ( for you old folks Irvine Meadows) for the Jack Johnson concert.  We were 9th row center in the orchestra section.  These were great seats.  Jack Johnson’s music style is described as acoustic surf rock.  It is very mellow and easy to listen to. We had a blast!!! Here’s a short clip from where we were sitting…


So I’m here at the Scrap and Stay and all of this scrapbooking has made me sick…literally. I think I’m allergic to allll of my mom’s stuff. So I have spent today sleeping and worshiping the porcelain goddess. But I am finally starting to feel better so hopefully I can salvage what is left of the weekend.

So I was so bummed because last weekend my bind it all had broken…or so I thought it was broken. Since I am all about mini books, I thought I would die without one especially because I was going on a scrabook weekend in Running Springs for three days.  I got here to Running Springs and asked if anyone had one, but just my luck, no one had one! So I have sat here for over 24 hrs thinking I can’t work on anything, I can’t punch any holes in my mini books, I wont know where to place embellishments….what was a girl to do? So a light bulb finally clicked. Hmmm what is this little door on the side..oh it was the little thing you should empty every so often. Well, lo and behold I opened it up and there was about 2 pounds of jammed chipboard in there. I think that was the problem!! So I grabbed the longest poker I could find, my options were limited due to the lack of men here. It’s a good thing Krista was willing to share. Just Kidding… a paper piercer worked just fine. There came out tons of chipboard and cardstock from previous projects. So now I feel really dumb, but super happy that I am back to scrappin again! Now I only have about 1 day left so lets see what I can accomplish.


Well, we’re up here in the mountains for a nothing-but-scrappin’ weekend.  It’s great to finally be here, but getting ready for this type of weekend is an eye opener.  I realize now how important it is to be organized and have everything ready to go…because, of course, you’re not sure what you’ll need during three days!  One decision I totally made following this past week:  Every time I buy patterned paper, I’m going to get coordinating cardstock for it.  I spent so much time matching all this paper I wanted to bring, and naturally (just like you said, Trish) I don’t have the right colors. 

Everyone is really getting a lot of pages done, and Lizett fixed her Bind-it-All…. 

See you soon – Barb

So I am away on a scrap weekend. My very first one. Having a blast! If you haven’t tried one of these, I highly recommend it. It’s great to be with a bunch of friends who get it. I have been here 10 hours and only gotten 4 pages done. Is that good? I don’t know. I have LOTS of projects to work on so we’ll see what I get accomplished. I must say it’s nice to be able to just focus on scrapbooking without having to worry about getting little ones to bed.

~ Krista

The new QK dies are in and they are SOOOOOOOO… cute!!! Revolution shapes include pizza, measuring spoons & cups, breakfast skillet, Chef costumes, recipe cards,  QK 2″ shapes are a rolling pin and toaster; and there are also mini SCHOOL  cookie cutter shapes. Our Queen of the QuicKutz group met and just loved the new dies.


Thank you first of all for all of your wonderful comments.  I enjoyed reading about all of your experiences as well.  It’s nice to know I’m not alone.  I guess most parents go through this at some point in their lives.

As for my hubby, he is still not doing well.  I think it’s going to be a long time before he adjusts to this new situation.  He continues to bribe Jamie daily into coming home and I keep telling him that he needs to stop.  He told her that if he knew it was going to be this hard he would have never let her go.  He thinks it is perfectly ok for her to live with her daddy for the rest of her life.  I don’t think so…although that might be kind of nice in our old age. Ha!Ha!  My son has already been informed that he is not allowed to go away to college.  Dad’s heart and pocket book just can’t take it!!

As for Jerry (Jamie’s brother), he could care less that she is gone.  He was taking over her room the second she left the house.  Thats a brother for ya!!

And me…I’m sure your wondering how that goodbye went.  After the move in I spent the next several days being Jamie’s personal shopper as she managed to situate herself with campus life.  She had things to do, people to meet, meetings to attend, and more people to meet.  If any of you have been to the University of Colorado then you know that the campus is absolutely huge.  Well, after Jamie walked back and fourth across that campus one too many times she decided that she needed a bike.  I was telling her all along that she would need a bike but, NO, she didn’t want one.  Didn’t fit into her style!!  So instead of having a free day with hitting all the local scrapbooking stores (which I map quested before I left) I was off shopping for a bike that she didn’t want.  How do you pick out a really “cute” bike that your kid doesn’t even want.  She wanted a beach cruiser (really practical for college life, huh!) but I was told those are the first to be stolen.  I did end up finding a cross between a mountain bike and a beach cruiser and we even topped it off with a “cute” basket on the front.  Gotta love those girly girls!!  As for Jamie and her roommate, they got off to a little bit of a bumpy start.  Her roomie is plain Jane from Wisconsin and I’m sure she took one look at Jamie and thought, “high maintenence snob!” I was sure of it after Jamie took out her well organized collection of jewelry and her roomates comment was, “what a waste!” Good thing Jamie didn’t bring her collection of purses too. Ha!Ha!  I should also mention that Jamie is a compulsive neat freak and her roomate is NOT!!  Obviously they did not read the compatibility forms for these two girls.  Jamie said she does not care what her roomie’s side looks like as long as hers can be neat.  Well, after Jamie was her friendly self for a few days, I guess her roomate decided maybe Jamie wasn’t so bad after all.  The girls are getting along really well now.  Thank goodness.  Now for that goodbye… I think we both did quite well.  We both shed a few tears, I gave her a big giant hug, told her I loved her and that I was proud of her, and that was it.  I was off to the airport.  I only cried a little, said a prayer, and placed her in Gods hands.  I know He will take care of her.

So now it’s been a week and I’m still doing really well.  I have to think of her as just being at a friends house or somewhere close.  I get upset when I think of her being so far away…so I don’t.  We text quite often during the day and sometimes we talk several times a day.  She is still calling for advice, so at least I know that I am still needed at least a little bit.  So far she is doing really well also.  She is getting involved, staying extremely busy, and meeting new friends every day.   She is definately going to need to learn time management cause she has people knocking on her door at 11:30 at night.  I will keep my fingers crossed that I will not be getting the dreadful phone call in a few weeks that she is homesick and wants to come home.  Cause you know who is going to let her!!  (my hubby!!)   Julie

This is the song that used to sing out over everyones television when it was time to go Back to School.  It is the famous Staples commercial from a few years back.  I actually used to think it was quite humorous with the moms dancing with the shopping carts and their children dragging behind them looking like someone had just shot their best friends.  I am one of those weird moms who doesn’t like Back to School time.  I love having summer with my son at home (which isn’t very often with him being a Junior this year)  I think it is purely selfish though.  I just love the fact that there is no homework and no deadlines.  Well all of that fun ended today at 7:30 am with the first day of school.  (And it was in August!!!)   Look at the bright side… only 9 months until summer vacation.


Scrappin’ Good Times

564 W Arrow Hwy. San Dimas, CA

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If you are looking for a great scrapbook store in Southern California, you can stop looking. Scrappin' Good Times in San Dimas, is the place to get all your scrapbooking products! Our Employees and Design Team members contribute to this blog. Feel free to make comments on any of the postings. Thank you, The Scrappin' Good Times Team ________________________________ Hey, we've been nominated again this year! Thanks to all of your votes we're number 1! Best Scrapbooking in the Los Angeles area WE'VE WON!!! Thanks to everyone who Voted! You've made a difference!
August 2008

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